Call Routing

Control where and when calls are answered.

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How does call routing work?

With the help of call routing, you may record every business call 24 hours a day, anywhere, on any device. Control the mobile or landline phones that calls to your company phone number are routed to dependent on the time of day. Control the number of rings as well before moving on to the second or third target. Never miss a call on the job!

Why Is Call Routing Necessary?

Have you considered a backup plan in case you ever need to reroute business calls? By making the investment in a business inbound number, you may set up a call routing strategy and, should the surprising occur, save time, money, and credibility. Also, using this service throughout the holidays is a great idea.

How can I configure Call Routing?

Your call routing can be completely customized to best suit you, your business, and how you want your clients to be treated using our online control panel. You may record all of your calls from anywhere, on any device, around-the-clock thanks to a feature we’ve developed called intelligent call routing.

Record incoming business calls at any time and from anywhere.

During your active business hours, calls to your business number can be forwarded to your target number (landline or mobile). Once you have configured your 'in-hours', choose where you would like to divert calls 'outside of working hours'. Calls are always recorded if voicemail-to-email is set and calls are not programmed to be diverted outside of business hours.

Routing Calls Within Hours

At Phonate, we understand the urgency of connecting calls promptly. Our advanced call routing services ensure that your calls are directed to the right destination within hours, optimizing communication and minimizing delays.

Out of Hours Call Routing

We recognize the importance of staying connected beyond regular business hours. Our out-of-hours call routing services ensure that your callers are efficiently directed to the right contacts or resources, even when your business is closed.

The Advantages of Call Routing

Calls Are Always Managed

Configure the hours when your business is open and closed on your business number. Never miss a call again with call forwarding.

Any Device Call Divert

To control your business numbers and redirect calls, use call routing pro-actively and log in online 24/7. any Desktop, tablet, or smartphone to make adjustments

Easily Operated

In order to set up call forwarding and maintain your company numbers, no telecom nor IT experience is required. We provide a user-friendly, online interface.

Outstanding For Any Business

Ranging from local one-man businesses to UK-wide organizations. Call forwarding capabilities are available immediately with our Call Routing solution.

Call Forwarding To Landline/Mobil

Call Routing gives you the chance to record all incoming calls by allowing fast modifications to divert calls to any UK landline or mobile phone.

Outstanding For Disaster Recovery

Due to the cloud hosting of our call routing technology, calls can be forwarded to a backup number in the event of a line failure.

Handle business calls with a single interface

A Guide to Call Routing

The Call Routing online call management solution provides the user with the tools to control where and when business calls are answered. Within the easy-to-use interface, a few simple changes can define which landline or mobile calls are diverted to. In addition, the interface offers time-of-day control, this allows the user to define where calls are delivered each day of the week and morning, midday, afternoon and evening

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