Mid-Call Transfer

You can transfer a call between three parties with our Mid-Call Transfer solution to any landline or mobile in the UK. Simply click a button to seamlessly transfer calls to coworkers who are based in the office or remotely.

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What is Mid-Call Transfer?

You can transfer a call between three parties with our Mid-Call Transfer solution to any landline or mobile in the UK. Simply click a button to seamlessly transfer calls to coworkers who are based in the office or remotely. Calls made by Party A (the caller) should be forwarded to Party B (the initial receiver) and Party C. (the second receiver).

What are the advantages of a mid-call transfer?

If an incoming call is answered, it could be necessary to transfer it to the coworker who is most qualified to respond to the caller’s question. To settle an account, for instance, a customer who has reached the sales team may need to be moved to the billing team. You can swiftly and effectively transfer the call to the appropriate person or department using mid-call transfer.

How does Mid-Call Transfer work?

When a caller needs to be transferred, the agent can put them on hold while they identify the caller and explain what the call is about before making the full transfer. Instead, calls can be routed right away to the relevant department, which will answer the ringing phone to finish the mid-call transfer.

Choose a method for calling colleagues.

The call handling agent can select how they would like to transfer the call to their colleague by using the Mid-Call Transfer tool. Calls can be transferred via a blind transfer, introduction transfer, or transfer while everyone is still on the line to any landline or mobile number in the UK.

Use call transfer in the cloud to free up lines.

In order to provide callers with a quality phone experience, it is essential to keep lines open for incoming sales or support calls. Calls would not reach the firm if calls were moved through the conventional way, which involves using a line. As calls are transferred in a layer above the phone system or phone line using mid-call transfer in the cloud, incoming calls can still be placed through the lines.

Important Features of Mid-Call Transfer

Transferring phone calls to internal coworkers

By promptly routing incoming calls to the appropriate division within your company, you may assist callers in finding the relevant individual. With just a touch of a button, calls may be moved, cutting down on caller wait time and improving customer satisfaction. Calls can be transferred instantly or by putting the caller on wait while you talk with the third party recipient before connecting.

Place calls through remote personnel and departments.

Every mobile or landline number may receive calls flawlessly, no matter where you or your coworkers are in the UK. This implies that clients can rapidly and effectively connect with any employee. For instance, calls can be answered right away to enhance customer sales if your sales crew is at home or on the road.

Make calls to outside parties.

You might occasionally need to transfer calls to outside parties. Initial payments for new business wins may need to be taken through a PCI compliant payment source if your sales force works remotely utilizing mobile devices. In this situation, the call can be passed to a third party for safe and secret payment before being returned to the salesperson (the second party) to wrap up the transaction.

Transferring calls to specific people or hunting parties

By promptly routing incoming calls to the appropriate division within your company, you may assist callers in finding the relevant individual. With just a touch of a button, calls may be moved, cutting down on caller wait time and improving customer satisfaction. Calls can be transferred instantly or by putting the caller on wait while you talk with the third party recipient before connecting.

Advantages of selecting Mid-Call Transfer

Benefits For Whatever Size Of Company

Businesses of all kinds, from small to larger organizations, can profit from mid-call transfer.

Phone Transfer To Any Landline Or Mobile Number

Calls can be transferred to any landline or mobile in the UK, whether it belongs to your company or not.

Improve caller satisfaction by executing a seamless transfer

Callers can be transferred easily by putting them on hold or by quickly transferring the call.

Transferring Each Caller Immediately And Effectively

Calls are transferred effectively and fast; no time is lost looking for the right number.

Flexible Inbound Call Transfer To Any Location

For complete flexibility, calls can be passed to coworkers who are based at the office or remotely.

Quick & Easy Feature Setup Without External Hardware

Prepare Mid-Call Transferring is done swiftly and without difficulty, and no additional gear is needed.

Cloud-based call forwarding

A Guide to Mid-Call Transfer

Using the dial pad to transfer calls between employees or doing a directory check has been practiced for decades. This feature has made it easier for callers to quickly connect with the appropriate team, employee, or department. The use of a line to transfer the call, a line in for the caller, and a second line to transfer from the agent to another internal agent is a major drawback of this function. By transferring the call onto the cloud during mid-call, this inconvenience is eliminated and line consumption is reduced.

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